

Do You Need To Earn Money With Your YouTube videos Check Out This


Do You Need To Earn Money With Your YouTube videos Check Out This

What we mean we have several ads or admob you can used before getting more or earning money, what are that guidance to get this tips.

The tips or ways are simple what you need you have to consider When I open a YouTube channel what kind of stuff should I be uploading so that many viewers and subscriber will come,here it is

Mostly what we consider is YouTube channels with entertainment,music , celebrities gist, Music Videos and the rest are the perfect stuff's that makes peoples to join your channel this are examples of Channels that we advice you to create,(Music channel , Entertainment Channel ,Gist Channel ,Sport Channel ,Games Channel) they are many that you can deserve to earn money.

Let's back when you done with this you have to get 1000 to 3000 subscribers before you apply it for AdSence,what is this Adsence : AdSence is the best Portal place to earn money with is hold by Google it self they paid massive amount,and you need like 4000 viewers.

But before your Channel get approved sometimes it reaches up to many days or weeks even months just make sure you work hard so that when checking they can get it softly.

Any questions just comment we will message you.

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